Privacy GDPR
Privacy Policy GPDR REDCO Zanetti & C snc Redco Zanetti & C snc with registered office in via pordenone 65 33070 Polcenigo (Pn) (hereinafter "Redco snc " or "Owner") is committed to protecting your privacy online of its users. This document has been drawn up pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter: "The Regulation") in order to enable it to know our privacy policy to understand how your personal information is handled when using our web site - www.startzpoint.it - www.startzpoint.eu - www.armeriashop.it , hereinafter collectively "Site") and, if necessary, to provide a consent to the treatment of your personal data is expressed and aware. The information and data provided by you or otherwise acquired in the context of the use of the services of e-commerce, as for example: the enrolment in the reserved area of the Site or the purchase of products, hereinafter "Services", will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and the obligations of confidentiality. According to the rules of the Regulation, the treatments carried out by Redco snc will be based on the principles of legality, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and the conservation, minimizing data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.
1. Holder of the treatment and responsible for data protection The holder of the treatments carried out through the Site is Redco snc as defined above. For any information concerning the processing of personal data by Redco snc, including the list of persons responsible of the treatment which treat data, can write to the following address: Privacy.redco@virgilio.it may contact the Data Protection Officer ("DPO") of Redco snc at the following address: Nadia.redco.z@virgilio.it .
2. Personal data undergoing processing following the navigation of the Site, we inform you that Redco snc will treat personal data that may be constituted by an identification number as the name, identification number, an identifier online (hereinafter only "Personal Data"). Your Personal Data may be collected because they provided voluntarily by you (for example when you subscribe to our newsletter or register to the Site) or simply by analysing its behavior on the site. The personal data processed through the Site are the following:
Navigation Data The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the site acquire, during their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated to identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties, allow to identify the users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, the addresses in the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (done, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct operation, to identify anomalies and/or abuse. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the site or third parties: apart from this eventuality, data on web contacts do not persist for more than 365 days.
Data provided voluntarily by you Except for the reference to specific information contained therein, the present Privacy Policy is meant also yield for the treatment of the data you voluntarily entered into various form contained within the site. With reference to these latter, please do not include information that could fall within the ranks of the special categories of personal data referred to in art. 9 of Council Regulation ([…]personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade-union membership, genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data concerning health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person). In addition, if you decide to leave a review concerning products for sale on the Site, please do not enter any personal information in the form or nickname you chose to leave the review.
third-party Data provided voluntarily by you In the use of some services of the site (such as, "gives a good purchase", "Introduce a friend", "Wish List" during the operations of purchase on site) could occur a treatment of personal data of third parties provided by you to Redco snc. With respect to such hypothesis, she stands as an autonomous Holder of the treatment, assuming all the obligations and responsibilities of the law. In this sense, confers on the point the broadest indemnification with respect to any dispute, alleged, request for compensation for the damage suffered from treatment etc. that should arrive at Redco snc from third parties whose personal data have been processed through its use of the functions of the site in breach of the rules on the protection of personal data applicable. In any event, give or in any other way were personal data of third parties in the use of the Site, guarantees from now - assumendosene each connected responsibility - that this particular hypothesis of treatment is based on an appropriate legal basis within the meaning of art. 6 of Regulation that justifies the treatment of the information in question. In the event of a release of such data to third parties, Redco snc undertakes to treat them to deliver the requested service and in particular in the case of: • "Wish List": in order to allow the emailing of the list of desired products.
data processed in the interaction with social networks Beyond that filling the forms on the Site, you may require some services and provide your personal data even by his own profile Facebook, Google and PayPal, for example for the purposes of the registration to the site. In these cases, Facebook, Google and PayPal automatically send to Redco snc personal data of which have without that you should put them. Cookies Cookies are small text files that websites visited by the user send and record on your computer or mobile device, to then be retransmitted to the same sites on the next visit. Thanks to cookies a site recalls the actions and preferences of the user (as, for example, the login, the language chosen, the size of the characters, other display settings, etc.) so that should not be indicated again when the user returns to visit said site or surf the web from one page to another in it. Cookies are therefore used to perform computer authentication, monitoring sessions and storage of information relating to the activities of users who have access to a site and may also contain a unique identification code that allows you to keep track of user navigation within the site for statistical purposes or advertising. In the course of navigation on a site, the user can receive on his computer even cookies or web server other than the one which is visiting (c.d. cookies of "third-party"). Some operations may not be carried out without the use of cookies, which in certain cases are so technically necessary for the same operation of the site. Esistono vari tipi di cookie, a seconda delle loro caratteristiche e funzioni, e questi possono rimanere nel computer dell'utente per periodi di tempo diversi: c.d. cookie di sessione, che viene automaticamente cancellato alla chiusura del browser; c.d. cookie persistenti, che permangono sull'apparecchiatura dell'utente fino ad una scadenza prestabilita. In base alla normativa vigente in Italia, per l'utilizzo dei cookie non sempre è richiesto un espresso consenso dell'utente. In particolare, non richiedono tale consenso i "cookie tecnici", cioè quelli utilizzati al solo fine di effettuare la trasmissione di una comunicazione su una rete di comunicazione elettronica, o nella misura strettamente necessaria per erogare un servizio esplicitamente richiesto dall'utente. Si tratta, in altre parole, di cookie indispensabili per il funzionamento del sito o necessari per eseguire attività richieste dall'utente. Tra i cookie tecnici, che non richiedono un consenso espresso per il loro utilizzo, il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali italiano (cfr. Provvedimento Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l'informativa e l'acquisizione del consenso per l'uso dei cookie dell'8 maggio 2014 e successivi chiarimenti, di seguito solo "Provvedimento") ricomprende anche:
• i "cookie analytics" laddove utilizzati direttamente dal gestore del sito per raccogliere informazioni, in forma aggregata, sul numero degli utenti e su come questi visitano il sito stesso,
• i cookie di navigazione o di sessione (per autenticarsi), i cookie di funzionalità, che permettono all'utente la navigazione in funzione di una serie di criteri selezionati (ad esempio, la lingua, i prodotti selezionati per l'acquisto) al fine di migliorare il servizio reso allo stesso. Per i "cookie di profilazione", viceversa, cioè quelli volti a creare profili relativi all'utente e utilizzati al fine di inviare messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze manifestate dallo stesso nell'ambito della navigazione in rete, è richiesto un preventivo consenso dell'utente. Tipologie di cookie utilizzate dal Sito e possibilità di (de-)selezione Il Sito utilizza i seguenti cookie che possono essere de-selezionati, salvo che per i cookie di terze parti per i quali dovrà fare riferimento direttamente alle relative modalità di selezione e de-selezione dei rispettivi cookie, indicate a mezzo di link:
• Cookie tecnici di navigazione o sessione e strettamente necessari per il funzionamento del Sito o per consentirle di usufruire dei contenuti e dei servizi richiesti.
• Cookie di funzionalità, cioè utilizzati per attivare specifiche funzionalità del Sito e una serie di criteri selezionati (ad esempio, la lingua) al fine di migliorare il servizio reso.
• Cookie tecnici-analytics, che consentono di comprendere come il Sito viene utilizzato dagli utenti. Con questi cookie non vengono raccolte informazioni sull’identità dell’utente, né alcun dato personale. Le informazioni sono trattate in forma aggregata e anonima.
ATTENZIONE: disabilitando i cookie tecnici e/o di funzionalità il Sito potrebbe risultare non consultabile o alcuni servizi o determinate funzioni del Sito potrebbero risultare non disponibili o non funzionare correttamente e potresti essere costretto a modificare o a inserire manualmente alcune informazioni o preferenze ogni volta che visiterà il Sito.
• Cookie di terze parti, cioè cookie di siti o di web server diversi da quello di Redco snc utilizzati per finalità proprie di dette parti terze. Si precisa che tali soggetti terzi, di seguito elencati con i relativi collegamenti alle politiche sulla privacy, sono tipicamente autonomi titolari del trattamento dei dati raccolti attraverso i cookie da essi serviti; pertanto, dovrà fare riferimento alle loro politiche di trattamento di dati personali, informative e moduli di consenso (selezione e de-selezione dei rispettivi cookie), di seguito indicati (come precisato nel Provvedimento Generale Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l’informativa e l’acquisizione del consenso per l’uso dei cookie – 8 maggio 2014): -
Https://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/privacy Https://www.google.com/intl/it_it/analytics/learn/privacy.html - Https://www.facebook.com/policy.php - https://twitter.com/it/privacy#update Https://policy.pinterest.com/it/privacy-policy -
cookie settings can block or cancel (in whole or in part) cookies technical and functionality through the specific functions of your Browser. However, we wish to inform you that does not allow cookies technicians may entail the impossibility to use the site, preview the content and to take advantage of their services. Inhibit the cookie functionality might require some services or certain features of the Site are not available or do not work properly and may be forced to modify or to enter some information manually or preferences whenever you visit the site. The choices made in reference to the cookies of the site will also be registered in a special cookie. Such cookie could, however, in some circumstances does not operate correctly: in such cases, we recommend that you delete the cookie does not welcome and inhibit the use also through the functionality of its browser. its preferences in reference to the cookie will be reset in the case in which uses different browsers or devices to access the Site. How to view and edit cookies through your browser may authorize, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through the specific functions of your Browser. For more information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies through your browser, you can see the instructions:
• Internet Explorer
• Firefox
• Chrome
• Safari
3. Purpose of treatment The treatment that we intend to perform, behind a specific consent where necessary, has the following purposes: to allow the navigation of the site and the provision of services to you from time to time required to Redco snc, which, by way of example: the registration and access to the reserved area of the Site; the execution of purchase orders, delivery of products; the execution of tasks relating to the delivery of products and services; publish the reviews sent by the site, respond and satisfy requests for assistance or information (including customer support services pre and post sale), sending the newsletter of the holder if you requested through the section of the site newsletter; d. fulfill any obligations imposed by the laws in force, By Regulations or by Community legislation, or to satisfy requests from the authorities; e. perform direct marketing by e-mail for services similar to those which you purchased or requested, unless its refusal to receive these communications, which can express in the registration phase or in successive occasions; f. marketing activity, as statistics and market research, send other information and promotional material relating to the activities, products and services of Redco snc, surveys to improve the service ("customer satisfaction"), to ask for the review of the products purchased. Such communications may be made via e-mail, via sms, push notifications, through paper mail and/or the use of the telephone with operator; it is to be noted that the holder collects a single consent for the purposes of marketing here described, within the meaning of the general provision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data "Guidelines in the field of promotional activities and contrast to spam", on 4 July 2013; where, in any case, you wish to object to the processing of your data for the purposes of marketing performed with the means listed here may at any time do so by contacting the holder at the addresses listed in the section "Contacts" of this privacy policy, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing is based on the consent given before the withdrawal; g. analyze your interests, habits and consumption choices, in order to send you informative and personalized promotional material on the services and products offered by Redco snc ("profiling"), to create a profile through the use of profiling cookies, where accepted, therefore collecting and analyzing information on preferences and choices expressed on the Website; h. for fraud prevention purposes committed through the use of the Website and the services offered by the Data Controller and to allow the Data Controller to protect itself in court; the. for statistical purposes, without it being possible to trace your identity. Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing The legal basis of the processing of Personal Data for the purposes set out in section 3.a. is the art. 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation ("[...] the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the same"), as the processing they are necessary for the provision of the Services or for the verification of your requests. The provision of Personal Data for these purposes is optional, but any failure to provide it would make it impossible to provide the Services provided through the Site or to find out its requests. The purpose referred to in section 3.d. represents a legitimate processing of Personal Data pursuant to art. 6 (1) (c) of the Regulation ("[...] processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subjected"). The processing of your Personal Data for this purpose is, in fact, necessary to comply with legal obligations to which Redco snc is subject. The processing of your Personal Data for the purposes described in section 3.e. represents a legitimate treatment under the current applicable law on the protection of Personal Data, which does not require your consent, given the relationship with the Owner and the fact that you are a customer of ours. You can object to the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose both during the request of the products and services available on the Site and on subsequent communications by the Data Controller by writing to the addresses indicated in the "Contact" section of this statement. The treatments performed for the marketing and profiling purposes described in section 3.f. and 3.g. are based on the release of your consent pursuant to art. 6 (1) (a) ("[...] the interested party has given his consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes"). The provision of your Personal Data for these purposes is therefore entirely optional and does not affect the use of the Services. If you wish to oppose the processing of your data for marketing and profiling purposes, you may contact the Data Controller at any time in the "Contact" section of this statement or, where available, through the "Your preferences" section of your reserved area of the Site. The treatment referred to in section 3.h. is based on art. 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation ("[...] processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the data controller or third parties, provided that the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not prevail the protection of personal data, in particular if the data subject is a minor "). It should be noted also that the treatment referred to in section 3.i. is not carried out on personal data and can therefore be freely made by Redco snc .
Recipients of personal data Your Personal Data may be shared for the purposes referred to in section 3 above, with: a. Parties acting typically in quality of responsible of the treatment i.e.: i) persons, companies or professional studies providing technical assistance and consultancy to Redco snc in accounting, administrative, legal, taxation, financial and credit recovery relatively to the provision of services; (ii) subjects with which it is necessary to interact for the provision of services (for example, the hosting provider) iii) or delegated subjects to carry out activities of technical maintenance (including maintenance of network devices and electronic communications networks); (iv) subject delegates to organise and carry out shipping, delivery and Returning Products purchased on the Website (collectively "Recipients"); b. subject, agencies or authorities to which it is mandatory to communicate your personal data in accordance with provisions laid down by law or orders of the authorities or to which it is mandatory to communicate your personal data in order to prevent and/or identify any fraudulent activities or abuses in the use of the site and the services offered by the holder;6 c. authorised persons from Redco snc to the treatment of personal data necessary to carry out activities closely related to the provision of services, which have committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees of Redco snc );
Transfers of personal data Some of his personal data are shared with the recipients that you might find outside the European Economic Area. Redco snc ensures that the treatment of your personal data by these recipients takes place in respect of the Regulation. Indeed, transfers can be based on a decision of adequacy, on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or another suitable legal basis. More information is available from the holder by writing to the address indicated in the "Contact" section of this notice.
Data Retention Personal data processed will be preserved for the time strictly necessary to achieve the same purpose. In every case of treatments carried out for the provision of services, Redco snc will process the personal data until the time allowed by the Italian legislation in order to protect their own interests (Art. 2946 and ff. of the Civil Code). As regards the curricula transmitted through the form "Work with us" referred to in section 3.c. or with other channels in the case of spontaneous application, personal data will be kept for 2 years. Personal data processed for the purposes referred to in section 3.d. will be retained until the time provided by the specific obligation or under applicable law. Personal Data will be treated until she is not opposed to treatment. Personal Data will be treated as a general rule, until the revocation of consent. In the case you withdraw from the services of Redco snc without having revoked these consents, data may also be processed subsequently to its withdrawal. Is without prejudice in any case the possibility for Redco snc to keep your personal data for the period of time provided and admitted by Italian law to protect their interests (Art. 2947(1)(3) c.c.). Your personal data are treated for a period of 1 year. More information relating to the period of storage of the data and the criteria used to determine this period can be requested by writing to the owner at the addresses listed in the section "Contacts" of this statement. <b within the meaning of Articles 15 et seq. of Regulation, has the right to ask to Redco snc, at any time, the access to your personal data, correction or cancellation of the same or to oppose their processing, has the right to request the limitation of the treatment in the cases foreseen by the art. 18 of the Regulation and to obtain in a structured format, of common use and readable by automatic device data that concern, in the cases provided for by art. 20 of Regulation. Requests should be addressed in writing to the address indicated in the "Contact" section of this notice. In each case you are always entitled to lodge a complaint to the competent control authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data), pursuant to art. 77 of Regulation, where it considers that the treatment of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force.
Changes Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy has been in force since 24/05/2018. The Proprietor reserves the right to modify or simply refresh its contents, in part or completely, also due to variations of the applicable legislation. Redco snc will inform you of these changes as soon as they are introduced and they will be binding as soon as published on the website. Redco snc the therefore invites to visit with regularity this section for taking cognizance of the most recent and updated version of this Privacy Policy in order to be always updated on the data collected and how they use it the holder.
Contacts to exercise the rights referred to above or for any other request you can write to the owner of the treatment: via email to: privacy.redco@virgilio.it.
Date 25/05/2018