Nigth Vision of 3 Generation

The sale of the Night Vision from the 3 Generation in on they are disciplined by the normative L. 8 May 1989 ns. 186 (Convention of Strasburgo) and D.M. June 13 th 2003 therefore the Night Vision of third generation are for Military use and subjects to the legislation of the ARM and therefore not saleable to the civilians. For other letters of request and elucidations you are begged to directly contact us.

He informs that they are in hand for the sale in Europe the Night Vision with tube Intensifier of 2 Generation I.A. end CGTi  with a resolution of 40-51 lp / mm practically very similar to the 3 Generation, upcoming already for the first ones of October the model of the firm ATN Corp MK 6900 2 I.As.